Who We Are
What We Stand For

Of course you want to know more about “who” we are and what we stand for before you invest in yourself and our services.
So, we’re going to let you know a bit about us… without the fancy titles and labels.
Before Serenity Matter(ed), I (Deborah) spent many years in the business world as a CPA, banker, entrepreneur, and later as a psychotherapist. I hold a Master’s in Counseling Psychology with a Holistic Specialization. My interest in holistic principles grew out of a personal health challenge that doctors said was incurable.
In the process of recovering, I awakened to an inner power that transformed my life. This transformation also lead me to co-author the book How the Fierce Handle Fear.
I (Michael) chose to begin my career as a self-employed hairstylist and then as a carpenter and building contractor. Later, I applied my innate gifts and passion for personal growth towards ministerial counseling and landscape photography. My path reflects a great amount of self-study and inner wisdom stimulated by a near-death experience at the age of 16.
Since that experience, I have cultivated a deep spiritual connection and holistic understanding of well-being that I draw upon for myself and my clients.
Mutually, we have backgrounds in coaching, hypnosis, EFT, Serenity Vibration Healing® (SVH), ministerial counseling, psychotherapy, meditation, and PSYCH-K™.
Personally speaking:
Like many of you, we’ve dealt with a COVID adventure. Ours included hospitalization. Along with great medical care, we’re grateful for the attentive and loving support of family and friends.
As usual, we both relied on prayer, meditation, EFT and Serenity Vibration Healing® (SVH) to fully recover.
Life is not back to normal. It’s better due to more spiritual awakenings while in the hospital. By the Grace of God, we’ve both turned lemons into lemonade as the saying goes.
Michael says Jesus and Mother Mary came to him in the hospital and alleviated any fear. This was not the first time in his life. He feels that they left him with a heart-connection and a level of peace that is hard to put in words. It’s a felt sense.
For me, I (Deborah) also felt the presence of Jesus for the third time in my life. And, there were so many angels in my room that I never felt alone. My fears were lifted and I felt peace and bliss.
We both feel “called” now more than ever to share about our experiences and offer our best practices to others who need a helping hand to get on track and bounce back from the stuff of life.